G-100 SMART-AI Wind Turbine

Introducing the G-100 Turbines – Revolutionizing Energy Generation!

The Modular mobile design of the 100 ft (109ft with full blade extension) G-100 offers extreme mobility, utility, efficiency, and function. Utilizing a modular base in the form of a standard trailer that can be readily hooked up and moved or upgraded to have this unit mounted directly onto an all-terrain electric vehicle that can move the turbine wherever you desire as soon as you desire.
The G-100 unit keeps producing power in wind speeds up to 55 MPH while most turbines will only produce power in wind speeds up to a mere 28.7 MPH. As power production increases exponentially as wind speed increases the G-100 is capable of producing more power in a single day than is possible in 3 months with a traditional turbine of the same size.

While capable of producing enough power for over 100 households the G-100 produces less sound than an average dishwasher with a maximum sound level registering just 68 decibels the wind itself is louder than this turbine.
No Permits Required
With a maximum height with a full blade extension of 109 ft or 33.22 meters well under FAA registration requirements and a 100% modular base deleting the need for the creation of permanent infrastructure. There is currently no commercial, industrial, or agriculturally zoned area in America that will require permits for the purchase, setup, or operation of G-100 units.
A marvel of modern modular design
The G-100 opens the door for so many businesses to participate in the renewable energy generation industry and the profits it can generate. Farmers can rotate these generators along with their crops to generate additional revenue. Campsites and RV camps can generate revenue all year round by installing a few G-100.

The additional energy could generate 10-12 Bitcoins per year at a conservative value of $40k per Bitcoin this adds up to a potential additional $450k+ in revenue for your business per turbine per year. Direct-line Power Purchase agreement (if available in your area) could yield as much as $313k per year per turbine
But the Price?!
You want the best it’s not going to be the cheapest, but the one that provides the best overall value. GHOST G-100 wind turbines are the very pentacle of wind turbine technology, quiet, efficient, mobile, and built to last with an expected operational lifetime of 60+ years.
Considering the various grants and tax credits available (see below), this unit will in actuality cost you less than $0.0015 per kWh over the lifetime of the unit.

An IRA that pays 82%
The Inflation Reduction Act has created multiple grant opportunities for the purchase and operation of GHOST G-100 Wind Turbines. Depending on where you intend to operate the units, grants covering up to 42% of the purchase costs may be available for you, combined with a 40% green energy tax credit and you have 82% of the purchase price being covered by the federal government of the USA within one year of operation.
What about the 18%
Why not amortize the remaining 18% over 30 years by utilizing a USDA-secured purchase loan? Even with a slow average wind speed of just 15 MPH, with a low-paying Direct-line Power Purchase agreement of 10 cents per kWh after making all loan payments you would still pocket over $47k per year from every single G-100 wind turbine you own.

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